Thursday, August 11, 2011


A normal day at the McDonald Clinic. Not much happened. Kristen and I read in the morning while drinking coffee and in the afternoon we watched this movie. It was great.

(Please excuse the glare)

I just made myself a cup of Sweet Dreams tea and have a handful of animal crackers. The perfect snack to have while blogging.

Tonight Eli and I met up with Joe and a friend at "Jesus Was Homeless". It was a wonderful night apart from Joe's constant teasing and sarcasm. It really was great. We went our usual route and got to see some familiar faces and even new faces. One familiar face was of an older gentleman with only one arm. He was as sweet as could be, asking each of us how we were and then saying good evening to each of us as we left. He left an impression on me. Here I am, about to wrap a shawl around me because my AC is so cold and there he is, a man more worthy of a cold place to sleep on a summers night than I feel I will ever be. I don't know how he lost him arm. For some reason I picture him a war veteran fallen on hard times. I don't know his story, but I would like to find it out.

I am so blessed. Each evening I come back to a quiet, cold place to sleep with running water and even a hot shower. I have a laptop, a coffee maker, a microwave, a mini fridge, books upon books, and still I complain about wanting things. I don't even need most of those things to survive. I know that I take advantage of my life here at CofO. One day I'll graduate and have to get an apartment, pay for water, electricity and heat. I'll have to provide my daily meals, and internet costs. I don't even think about those things on a regular basis. But I am thankful for them tonight, after seeing a couple of homeless gentlemen sad because they were stripped of their "front yard and driveway". The only way to their little establishment was up a muddy hill. But I know that even they are being taken care of by God. I don't think He left them for the wolves, He just has a different plan for their lives.

Tonight I got off work and checked my email. There was one from the financial aid office saying that I had been given a scholarship of $300. How does that even happen? I checked my student account this morning thinking that I barely had enough to cover the HTS fee that would be due in the middle of the semester and all of the sudden and completely a surprise, this scholarship pops up in my email and all I have to do is type up a thank you note. God is so good to me. He supplies all I need and more.

I hope that one day when I become a nurse I will have the privilege to serve others like we did tonight. I love being able to help them in small ways. I hope that serving these people tonight will somehow prepare me for serving others in the future. I had never volunteered for community service jobs before this and I have to say that I regret how many years I have wasted on doing nothing. God may not call me to the mission field, He may not want me to work at Barnes Jewish Hospital, but wherever he places me I know that it will be to His ultimate glory and that if I do what He says, He will always take care of me. "Trust-even when it's hard".

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