Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"Relax, it's just a pinch."

The Red Cross is here today to take blood donations! I went this morning as soon as it was open so I could let my co-worker go later and so I could get a size small t-shirt (They run out quickly around here). I love their new logo, "Relax, it's just a pinch." It has a picture of a cute little stick man sitting on a chair with his arm up. Pretty cute.

I always get nervous about giving blood. This time was not any better. I get approved, iron high and temperature low, and make my way over to the chair. Being a righty, I always choose lefty chairs because I don't like to move my arm for a few hours afterward. The lady asked me my name and I told her. She then reported to me that there is another Christianne Martin in the world, who is, in fact, her best friend. :-) I wonder if her name might be Kayla? For today's purposes, let's just say it is. So Kayla is getting me all ready... She puts the blood pressure cuff on and tells me so squeeze the stress ball. I do so. Then iodine is rubbed on the area, and I watch as she brings the needle to my arm. For some reason it seems bigger each time. Unfortunately, I did not get the same big veins that my brothers have. I would probably look weird if I did, but on this particular day, I was very much wishing for big veins. I try not to cringe when the needle goes in, but after she moves it around and has to call someone over, I do indeed cringe. I didn't see Kayla again. :-( Finally this kind man got my blood flowing and then I started getting dizzy. Yes, dizzy. My worst fear at blood drives is too pass out. Especially when all of my peers are surrounding me. Then I do pass out, making it a total of 6 times of passing out. Two times at blood drives, once after falling out of the van because my high heel got stuck (talk about embarrassing). Once, while sitting at a table doing math, yes math...it has that affect on me. Once, while watching a nurse change a knee bandage. I passed out during my job shadowing at Skaggs Hospital. That was even more embarrassing than the high heel.
After I realized what had happened and they put my feet in the air, this funny guy came over and told me that I should always make sure to eat. I smiled back at him.
I didn't go to lunch at the cafeteria because it just seemed to far to walk today. My sweet co-worker offered to drive me but I said no.
I love giving blood, knowing how badly someone needs it makes it all worth it. I don't, however, like the after effects of it. I did get a t-shirt! Although Red Cross never has smalls, I walked away with a medium. Maybe a gift for my daddy. :-)
God bless those who don't pass out.
"Relax, it's just a pinch"

1 comment:

  1. I wanna t-shirt like that! ;) Unfortunately, the Red Cross here in town doesn't think we deserve t-shirts. Crazy.
