Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Finals week is just around the corner and I am beginning to wonder if I'm even slightly ready for this crazy week to begin. I think I'm ready for it to be over.

I am sitting under my bed, which is stacked upon 3 cement blocks. I spent my first few nights at school wondering if I'd fall to my death while I was sleeping, but these cement blocks have remained faithful and I hope that they never let me down.
It is very cozy under here. it's kinda like my little hangout place away from my desk. Sometimes I just get tired of looking at my desk and wondering if it could possibly get any cleaner than it already is. I am obsessed with having my study area clean. My roommate, on the other hand, is not. I often find myself sneaking over to her desk to straighten something that she won't notice, but has been bugging me for days. This afternoon I took the initiative to clean our room. This is what happened.

For the past week or so, Emma's books have been magically appearing on my side of the counter. I'd push them over to her side before I went to bed, and then when I woke up the next morning, they were pushed back over on my side. I'm not sure how this happened because Emma denied moving them. :-) So today when I cleaned our room I stacked her books up into a pretty pile and carefully stacked them next to HER bed, on HER side of the room(not that we have 'sides' or anything).
The problem was solved.

Emma and I have 'fights' a lot. They consist of us buckling over in laughter because they're over the most ridiculous things and then running over to Eli and Jannelle's room to tell them what happened. This is how we spend our evenings here at school. They're quite fascinating.

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