Last night I was laying in my bed thinking about the day and what had happened. Read this passage from Psalms 63.
1 O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you;
my flesh faints for you,
as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
2 So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary,
beholding your power and glory.
3 Because your steadfast love is better than life,
my lips will praise you.
4 So I will bless you as long as I live;
in your name I will lift up my hands.
5 My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food,
and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips,
6 when I remember you upon my bed,
and meditate on you in the watches of the night;
7 for you have been my help,
and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.
8 My soul clings to you;
your right hand upholds me."
This summer has been so relaxing, but not in a good way. I thought I would love having time to sit around and do nothing but honestly, it really gets to me. I do things that have no benefit to my spiritual growth and relationship with God. I watch some pirated movie on a dumb website and afterwards, I feel so sinful. First of all, I'm BREAKING THE LAW! That should be kicker right there. But it isn't. At first it really bothered, but I've gotten so used to it now that it seems normal. I hate that. Why do we let bad things become normal in our lives? Is it easier to live with it that way?
All of this sinful behavior has left me thirsting for something more and in the last week or so I've realized how lousy my relationship with God has been this summer. He's slowly been easing His way into my summer life and is yelling at me, "CHRISTI! What are you DOING!?!?" Ok, I don't really picture God yelling at me. But, I feel like He would say it like that.
And in the last 2 days, I have had 3 HUGE conversations with 3 different people I know very well. They've all been weighing on me today and I'm trying to sort them all out in my head. I tried to journal about them but I hate the pen I have to journal with right now and for some reason that ruins it. Do you know what I mean? But these conversations, they were all so good and I know God's hand was in each of them. In every sentence; in every word. I could just feel God in them all. One of these conversations I had laying out on the beach. Another one, in the dark laying against a cold brick building. The last one, driving down a road. I tried to remember before I said anything to these people that this was a chance given to me by God to influence these people in whatever way He felt best. So I would take a few moments before I replied and was asking God to give me words to say that would be the most glorifying to Him. And as I came away from each of these conversations, I knew God had been working in them and was working in the people they involved, including myself. My best friend and I talked for an hour and a half the other night about life and just the things we've been having to deal with lately and it was such a great conversation. I always feel so lifted up by her and feel like God is using her in so many ways. It thrills me to know that. Before I was a Christian our conversations never went anywhere deep. They were always floating around the topics our older sisters were talking about and our dolls. But they're so precious to me now. It's like God gave her to me specifically because we understand each other so well and can pray for each other because we know exactly how the other one is feeling. There are only a few people I can do that with.
I've really been struggling lately with some of the relationships I have with people. I feel like they're so... I don't even know what. I just get so annoyed with these people because I feel like I only hear them complain about things or make excuses. Tonight I told someone that they make too many excuses and I know it's not my place to judge. Remember my post last week about excuses? Yeah... I'm just as bad. But out of no where the other person in the conversation said, "oh, shut-up." I didn't realize that she had said it because I had only been interrupted about 100 times during the conversation and was used to be barged in on at that point. But then she said, "I mean that in love." And I started to wonder, how can you mean that in love? You don't just tell someone to shut up. Ok, maybe some people do. And Ok, this particular person says that all the time to whomever she pleases. But it hurt me tonight. I wish it hadn't. I wish I could just shrug those things off. But this person asked me if I was OK and I reluctantly replied yes. I am OK. I'm not dying, my family is kind of happy, at least 3 of my siblings are saved, I have a home, I have dreams for my future...I have friends, right? I am OK. It's strange; it's been a long time since someone has asked me that and I've honestly been able to say that I was really OK. I was only being quiet. I don't like to talk. Usually when I do I say something I regret and then I feel guilty about it. Or I'm told to "shut-up" because someone didn't like what I said. Some people love to talk, and I'm glad because otherwise I probably wouldn't have any friends. People don't like people who don't talk... My brother Daniel told me that maybe I would have more friends if I talked to people more. He told me not to attack them though because it's annoying when girls do that. I love Daniel.
The other day I called my mom and started complaining about something. I don't remember what exactly. But she was like, "Christi, it's OK to complain sometimes. You need to vent." and I replied, "No mom, it's not OK. I shouldn't complain. My reasons aren't good." And now I find myself becoming so annoyed with people who complain and whine. It drives me crazy and I hate that I'm constantly judging people like that. I am asked to love people. It's commanded of God. Yet I fail miserablly every single day. Every single hour, every single minute. I am far from being a "nice person". I get so annoyed when people call me that. And when I tell them honestly that I am not a nice, they say something like, "Of course you would say that." And I wonder what that means?
Life has been full force this week. I've really been trying to examine my relationships with people and for the ones I'm struggling with, I'm trying to understand why they've been a problem. I think I just have high expectations. And I don't know... maybe it's just me. Maybe I am really misunderstanding this friend thing. Maybe I just struggle with certain personalities. Maybe I'm just ignorant. But whatever it may be, pray for me please? It's really hurting this week. I know God is working on it and I'm thankful for that. This heartache is worth it.