Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Carpe diem baby, Carpe diem. Seize the freakin' day!"

I set my laptop down in front of my physiology book so I wouldn't have to look at a phospholipid bilayer anymore. I've decided that you can definitely read to much physiology. Homework has already become a little overwhelming.
Blogging was definitely not on my list of things to do this weekend, but I thought I'd add it to the list while I needed a break from physiology. Dr. Miller would be ashamed.

Today I realized that I haven't gone to play piano in almost a month. It makes me sad to think that. I honestly have had no time to do anything lately, but I also realize that I probably don't prioritize my time as I should. I think I'll go play piano tonight just so it won't be a month.

My sister and I have chalk boards on our walls and they are slowly filling up with quotes. The title of this post is one of those quotes. Emma was going on about something last night and this title was a major point in her argument. As was, "Boys are stupid. Throw rock at them!" We have fun at CofO.

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