Saturday, May 22, 2010

One Fine Day

It's the last full day at home. I'm trying not to be sad.

Dad, Mom, Grandma, Lizzie, and I went to the memorial at Ellis Fischel Cancer Center. It's the hospital where Amy got all of her platelets, blood, etc. It was really neat, and I'm so thankful I was able to go. It was a blessing to be there. Mom told me that the memorial wouldn't be very God centered. Almost every thing in the program was centered around our Heavenly Father. :-) It was wonderful. I loved hearing the people talk. Especially one of the doctors.

Today I'm thankful for all the people that work at places like Ellis Fischel. Mom was able to see some of the nurses who took care of Amy, and one of them even asked about Gary. :-) It was special.

I'm thankful for all of their hard word, and their patience. I'm thankful for how they work in peoples lives and want to make them better.

I hope I can work at a place like they do someday.

Friday, May 21, 2010


I'm thankful for my nice warm bed on late nights, like tonight.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Only Three More

Thunder is awesome... Is there any other way to describe it? I suppose a lot of people might think it's scary. I've always loved thunder.

We had a part Dalmatian dog named Chip and he was scared to death of thunder. The second he heard something, he'd run up next to our door, and if you dared to open it, Chip would get into the house as quickly as he could. And it would stink... Ugh. I can still smell it. It was almost impossible to get him back out again. You had to be a very convincing person when it came to Chip and thunder. Poor puppy.

As you can probably tell, tonight I'm thankful for the rain, and thunder, and lightning, and storms. The power of God is shown so clearly through them.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Four Days

Tonight, I'm thankful for music.

Music is an amazing thing... I like to think I love it more than anyone else, but I know that is far from the truth. If that was true, I would have wanted to practice piano all day, and every day. I did not do that.

There are about 6 grand pianos on the College of the Ozarks campus. I've only ever played on the Baldwin in the chapel. But it was amazing. It was late at night, the chapel was empty... I felt surrounded by the Lord.
My two best friends were with me, and so were my two sisters. It was one of the most amazing things ever. At least to me it was. I'm sure more amazing things will come in the future. :-) I'm also sure you could think of something more amazing than that. But it is a precious memory, and one I hope to keep forever.

As you can see up at the top of my blog, I have a verse about music and glorifying the Lord with it. It's Psalm 33:3-4. It's one of my favorites. Someday, I'd like to have a Steinway grand sitting in my living room, with that verse hanging on the wall next to it.

God is good.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Five Nights of Laughter

Oh, what a day! But what an awesome day it was! :-)

We went out to lunch with some friends and it was so much fun. It was a very special treat. I'm so thankful the Lord has blessed me with such amazing friends.

Friends are the next thing on my list. :-)

John 15:12-14

"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no man than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do what I command you."

I love my friends so much. I have some of the best friends in the world, or at least I think so. The tiniest things that they do for me, mean more to me than they will ever know. I always try to let my friends know how thankful I am for them, and how much I love them, but I know I don't do as good as a job as I should.
Each one of them is a blessing in a different way.

Some of the memories I have of times with friends, are the best, or my favorite memories of all.

Cherish your friends. Don't blow them off so you can go do something stupid and pointless. God gave us our friends for a reason.


Only 5 more days at home. :-(

Monday, May 17, 2010

Six Days and Counting

I have six days left at home before I move down to College of the Ozarks. For the next six days, I'll post something of which I am thankful for.

Tonight, I'm going to write about my family.

Family is a precious thing. I often don't realize how precious until I think of someone who doesn't have a family at all. What would I do without my family? My dad, and mom. My siblings. Each one of them means something special to me in a unique way.

This next week I'll be faced with not seeing my dad, or my mom and most of my siblings for longer than I ever have. The Lord has blessed me with an opportunity to go to college with two of my siblings, and hopefully more in a year or so.
I'm scared. I don't want to admit it. I don't want to be scared... I love my family a whole bunch, and I'm not too fond of the idea of leaving them. I thank God that I won't have to leave them all.

I'm thankful that I've had almost 18 years to spend with them. Learning with them, and growing with them.

This post is sounding stupid...

Bottom line...

I'm thankful for my family. I love them all immensely.